zondag 22 september 2013

people jumping of the twin towers

    1. people jumping

the lies of 9-11

Here's a brief statement on the opportunity that is before us:
  We are on the verge of an important milestone in our world's political history. State-sponsored false flag operations, the central weapon of governments seeking a pretext for war and domestice repression can be eliminated forever. George Santayana wrote: "Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it." Today we have an opportunity to learn from our past and forge a new era in human sovereignty while righting the scales of justice. Horrible crimes against humanity were committed on 9/11 and the true criminals need to be identified and removed from positions of power in our world.
  Modern people-to-people global communications provides the potential for building a worldwide awareness of these previously hidden sinister acts and a level of transparency of governance never before imaginable. It is our hope that as this millennium develops, we here in America will once again make a significant contribution to the progress of human freedom and self-determination by freeing ourselves and the world from this malevolent empire propped up by deceit and propaganda.
  At our birth as a nation we fought against a militaristic empire bent on dominating us. Now it is time for us to put to the test the strategies of nonviolence that Dr. King and Gandhi have urged us to pursue. Once again we must struggle for freedom from oppression. This time we must overcome an Orwellian media and global network of forces in the shadows that have tried to control us through these false-flag "terrorist attacks" which have included the 1993 WTC bombing, the Oklahoma City bombings, the London attacks of 7-7 and the vile crime of September 11th, 2001.
  At the Emergency Truth Convergence in the summer of 2005 (www.truthemergency.us) we said: The Fear Ends Here. We urge you again to throw out your fears and embrace the joy and glory of working together as brothers and sisters in a common cause. Let us unite with all who choose to join us and sound an alarm as well as a declaration that we are free and in charge of our own destiny as awakened and empowered citizens shaping a better world. A post-9/11 truth world has a huge upside for all of us - let's keep our eyes on that silver lining beyond the dark clouds currently surrounding us.

A Call To All True Patriots to Investigate September 11
  We have actively studied the questionable nature of the official version of what happened to our nation on September 11, 2001. Throughout the first year after 9-11 we ignored and did not believe those who asked us to question the official story. Like millions of Americans we believed America had been attacked by terrorists from abroad. Sadly, we are now convinced that rogue elements within our government committed a vicious criminal act against its own citizens for the larger purpose of swaying us to support both domestic and foreign policies mapped out in the late 1990's. 9-11 was Hitler's Reichstag fire of 1933 and Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor masterfully coordinated to achieve the desired ends of an imperialistic role for America in the world, patriotic support at home and the erosion of our constitutional rights. In a nutshell, the war on terrorism is a cruel hoax by a misguided, out-of-democratic control small group of individuals sabotaging the best of American values. We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis combined with severe domination from an Orwellian corporate media knowingly or unknowingly being of service to the true powerbrokers behind the curtain.
  We feel like we are living in the "Matrix" where we can blend in, but knowing something is horribly wrong and must be exposed. The quality of life for all of our loved ones is at stake along with the hopes of millions of people for a world of peace, freedom and ecological sustainability. If just a few of you take the time to study a little more and become involved in the 9-11 Truth movement we will be greatly appreciative. We strongly feel that everyone should involve themselves in this effort to expose the truth about 9-11 and in the greatest push ever from the grassroots to nonviolently replace our current despotic leadership. It would have tremendous positive consequences, if similar to the fall of Nixon over Watergate, that the Bush administration was exposed on this and replaced. This outrageous criminal act must be brought to justice and our freedoms restored. We need to reach out now to all those who may be willing to hear, break the silence and take courageous action.
- Gabriel Day and supporters

Unplug the War Machine By Facing the Disturbing
Truth Behind the Events of September 11, 2001

They lied about Iraq and Afghanistan and just about everything else. Why are we willing to accept their version of 9/11 that made it all possible?
Initially, most of us fell for their version of the events.
But then came the slip-ups. The leaseholder of the World Trade Center admitted on PBS in 'Rebuilding America' that WTC-7 was 'pulled' on 9/11 (See video here in Windows Media Format), which is the standard slang for controlled demolition.
Look at the tapes from that day when TV anchors, Aaron Brown and Dan Rather first said the very same words about the collapses. Firefighters and rescue workers talked about explosives and bombsgoing off, all over in the buildings.
Recall the horrific images of the over 100-story towers coming down atfree-fall speed, defying the laws of physics.
Recall the engineers who first stated that the planes and fires alone could not have caused the deadly collapse.
Now the evidence is gone, witnesses silenced, and an independent, real investigation never happened. Sure, it is hard to accept that we have all been fooled so long, but only discovering and facing the truth will set the U.S. free.
- 9-11 Truth Activist of Northern California
Join the 9-11 Truth Movement and expose the lies
that will pull out the bottom card in their
house of cards.

A great place to start to learn and understand more about the 9/11 Truth movement is at www.911truth.org

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vrijdag 13 september 2013

why to kills osama bin laden



Concrete evidence shows US government nuked WTC towers on 9/11<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>

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This is from a reliable canadian website. The canadians have been leading the way on 9/11 truth. I know this will be moved to off-topic but as I have said many times...9/11 is the key to the awakening of the masses.
Foreign terrorists and hijackers didn't attack the US on September 11, 2001 and bring down the World Trade Center Towers – the U.S. government did that using remote controlled military aircraft and planted tactical nukes.
Terrorists didn't take away the freedom, liberty and justice of the American people – the U.S. government did that.
Terrorists didn't draw up the Patriot Act, create the Department of Homeland Security, spy illegally on Americans, launch 3 unprovoked armed attacks against 3 foreign states, abolish habeas corpus, kidnap, deport, torture and murder U.S. and foreign civilians – the U.S. government did that.
Terrorists didn't loot $trillions from US Federal Tax Revenue and give it to the Wall Street bankers – the U.S. government did that.
Terrorists didn't bankrupt the U.S. – the U.S. government did that
Terrorists didn't create the $15.6 trillion national debt – the U.S. government did that ($13 trillion added by just the last 4 of the 44 presidents of the United States – George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barrack Obama – Obama added $5 trillion in just 3 years, George W Bush added $5 trillion over 2 terms, Bill and Hillary Clinton added $1.5 trillion, George HW Bush added $1.5 trillion) .
Terrorists didn't force millions of Americans out of work and onto the street – the U.S. government did that.
Terrorists didn't develop and release the Avian Flu and the Swine Flu – the U.S. government did that.
Terrorists didn't drop nuclear bombs on civilian cities – the U.S. government did that.
Terrorists didn't murder 3 million civilians in Iraq – the U.S. government did that.
Now tell me who is a greater threat to the American people and to the World – a phantom terrorist group called al Qaeda or the U.S. government? Tell me why would you travel thousands of miles to a foreign country to fight and even give your life to protect and restore their rights and freedoms when your own rights and freedoms are being stripped away at home, on US soil, by your government? Who is a greater threat to mankind? Those who have used nukes against foreign and US civilian cities or those seeking to develop nuclear energy.
The American people went off to war to remove by force the leadership of foreign states that were allegedly a threat to their own people and to mankind. The US government justified their murder of those leaders by claiming they eliminated the threat they posed to the US and to the World. However, after the fact, the evidence showed that none posed any imminent or future threat to their people or to any other foreign state. In fact, the evidence clearly shows the World that it is the US leadership who are the greatest threat to mankind and to the American people. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Iran have not and have never attacked the US. It was and is the US government who has attacked or is planning to wage war with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Iran. The US government is the only leadership in the World to use nukes against civilian cities – not just once but 4 times and twice against it own people, on US soil.

9/11 conspiracy theory documentry the truth behind it all

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im not saying that the government was involved for sure but this video really